Get motivated, moving and learning.

Adventure Workouts get children learning, motivated and moving. Simply follow along and join in the exercises when prompted. Adventure Workouts make a great companion to classroom learning as well as homeschooling.

Reaching the end of each adventure, children are rewarded with a magical artefact! Children also collect 'Runes of Awesome’ along the way; collected for showing courage, kindness, curiosity and creativity.

Accompanying each adventure are Quest Packs - free downloadable activity packs that take learning even deeper! Designed by educational specialists to meet requirements of the national curriculum, children can enjoy puzzles, challenges, crafts, colouring, and learn more about historical heroes.

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Get in touch to tell us where you’d like us to go next!
You can also sponsor a video, eternalising the name of your school or organisation in an adventure for all to enjoy.

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